Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Dedication for My Mother....

A strong black woman able to raise, provide, care, and instill wisdom in my brothers and me.... all with God's strength and strength of her own.... We love you Ma (this is what we call her)

My mother and me
My Uncle , brother Avery , and me
Me at 2 years old
Avery and me
Avery's high school graduation (2009)
My high school graduation (2007) I also graduated as Class Valedictorian. I had to give a graduation speech.
High School Football Homecoming
My high school senior portrait
My baby brother Ariq
He's a football player for the Maryland Terrapins (Terps)
Maryland vs Navy game (2010)
My mother and me
Avery tackling a guy at Maryland's Spring football camp

Sometimes when I sit and think about the sacrificing my mother did to raise my brothers and me, I cry. It's hard to listen to this song without me crying because some of what 2pac says in this song, I can relate to. Listening to this song makes me appreciate my mother more and more, deeper and deeper. I can't fully explain everything in this little text box, but I dedicate this song to my mother. My mother raised me to be the young woman I am today, the young man my brother Avery is today, and the young growing man that my brother Ariq is growing to become and We love her for it :-) >>>

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