Saturday, March 19, 2011

Upside Down Portrait

DJ Official ft. Trip Lee - Get Busy

My Thoughts on the Movie "For Colored Girls"

The movie For Colored Girls by Tyler Perry is a movie that seems to have rested in my spirit, heart, and mind longer than intended. While watching the movie, my eyes and mind were enlightened and opened to view life at a deeper level. The script itself was poetic in that the soliloquies (individual speeches) the actresses spoke were poems in itself. These speeches the women spoke throughout were in poem form and expressed the deep pain, agony, heartache, abuse, and mishaps of their lives. Many claim that Tyler Perry bashes the male gender and only shows the negatives of black males. I would beg to differ. What I believe Tyler Perry does is gives a voice to those women who have been in abusive relationships or have experienced mistreatment that many times have gone unnoticed. I believe Tyler Perry is the voice of those women who have been told to keep silent out of fear, rejection, or last resort. I believe Tyler Perry’s movies expresses the injustices that women (black women in particular) experience on the daily basis. Many are narrow minded in their views and opinions of Tyler Perry’s movies in that they perceive it as a negative insult towards black men, thus missing the entire underlying message that Mr. Perry was trying to convey. No I am not bashing anyone who thinks Tyler Perry movies are hostile towards black men, all I am saying is that I believe Tyler Perry’s movies are created to give voices to those black women who were forced to keep silent out of fear. Below I have collected some pictures from the movie For Colored Girls. These pictures are intriguing in that the sad stories of the women are written on the women faces. You can see their pain, heartache, agony, and plea for help written in the sadness of their eyes, the slight frown in their smile, or the sad raising of eyebrows. This movie is one that I feel has done more to give voice to those voiceless women who have experienced traumatizing situations in their lives. I cried while watching the movie. The movie touched me so that months later, it still has an impact on my psyche, such a strong impact in that I felt compelled to write a blog about it. In the words of me: “Women been suppressed for years and have been told to "shhh" ... be quiet and not speak their mind. I understand that a woman who speaks with intelligence is considered a threat. Well I guess I'll just be considered as a threat, but one thing I won't be is silent....”  


Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Brief Note.....

When your eyes of understanding are enlightened,
There is much that becomes clear that was obscure
Before. It feels like revelation in a sense.
You understand those who are intended to be
In your life and those who are not. That's when
You will hear "You have changed."
I understand that I have changed and I have
Gladly accepted that I have changed. I have
A future that God is preparing me for, and 
Everyone cannot go where it is I am getting 
Ready to go. I understand and it is because
Of God that I understand. Preparing for that
Which God has planned for my life. I'm READY....

Below is my song of motivation:

Friday, March 11, 2011

A Woman's World...

I would say a "girl's world", but I don't consider myself a girl. I'm a growing woman (in progress)...

My Casual Clothing Style

Below are some of the clothing I wear during my down-time, chill-mode, relaxed-mode, fun-mode... this is just some. I got tired of searching clothes & putting outfits together, so this is all I felt like doing lol. I get lazy fast with stuff like this... haha

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Dedication for My Mother....

A strong black woman able to raise, provide, care, and instill wisdom in my brothers and me.... all with God's strength and strength of her own.... We love you Ma (this is what we call her)

My mother and me
My Uncle , brother Avery , and me
Me at 2 years old
Avery and me
Avery's high school graduation (2009)
My high school graduation (2007) I also graduated as Class Valedictorian. I had to give a graduation speech.
High School Football Homecoming
My high school senior portrait
My baby brother Ariq
He's a football player for the Maryland Terrapins (Terps)
Maryland vs Navy game (2010)
My mother and me
Avery tackling a guy at Maryland's Spring football camp

Sometimes when I sit and think about the sacrificing my mother did to raise my brothers and me, I cry. It's hard to listen to this song without me crying because some of what 2pac says in this song, I can relate to. Listening to this song makes me appreciate my mother more and more, deeper and deeper. I can't fully explain everything in this little text box, but I dedicate this song to my mother. My mother raised me to be the young woman I am today, the young man my brother Avery is today, and the young growing man that my brother Ariq is growing to become and We love her for it :-) >>>

"At the end of my life, I want it to have meaning. I want to know I lived my life the way God intended, leaving an impact and legacy..." -- Asia Mouzone

"Praying For You" - Lacrae

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"To be a poet is to have a soul so quick to discern, that no shade of quality escapes it, and so quick to feel, that discernment is but a hand playing with finely-ordered variety on the chords of emotion—a soul in which knowledge passes instantaneously into feeling, and feeling flashes back as a new organ of knowledge. One may have that condition by fits only. " --- George Eliot

Friday, March 4, 2011

You all have seen that I am deeply entrenched in the arts and am drawn to that which invokes creativity. You all have read some of my poetry and have seen how I put various pictures together to make more art. Everything you see on my blog is art and creativity inspired. Well I decided to shift gears for a moment and pause. I want to postpone creativity and artsy things of such and make a brief transition. Sooo what I decided to do was just write. I want to write some thoughts, ideas, and things of such just so you can get a diverse depiction of who it is that I am. I just feel like writing, simply put. Is that too much to ask?!
            Well for starters… I don’t even know where to start. I could write about different things and it will sound like, I don’t know, stuff I guess. This is my first time ever blogging and I believe it is because of the place in life I am in right now. I won’t get into detail about my life because I just don’t need to and you probably don’t care anyway, but yeah I seem to blog as a way of escape. I seem to blog to release some thoughts and hidden things in me that need to come out. When I blog it seems that I escape to another realm. The ideas and things that come from me to this blog are personal and dear to me. These ideas and thoughts you see in front of you is what is me. This isn’t all of me you see. This is just a little of me. I really don’t know what I’m talking about right now, but I think as time goes on, some more meaningful writing will come from me. Right now I’m just rambling on… I feel like writing, but I don’t know what to write. That’s weird and awkward.
            What concerns me though is the lack of enthusiasm from young people and people of color in particular to move beyond the stereotypical ideal of what reality is supposed to be, and try to seek to discover life in new ways. I guess what I am trying to say is that there is more to life than just what the media feeds you. Society has become so complacent in that it has literally accepted passivity and has chosen to comply with whatever the “it” is at that moment. This “it” can be fashion trends, music, social scenes, ways of speech, or basically anything that everyone else is doing. I guess what I am trying to say is that as I look around and observe there seems to be a lack of individuality. It seems everyone is jumping on the back of someone’s wagon, doing what it is they see everyone else doing. I think that if more people would rise out of the pit of confinement and self containment and would choose to blaze new trails, trails of their own, the world and society as we know it would be one we could not have possibly imagined.
            I am a huge advocate of individuality. Who I am and what I do speaks my personal individuality. With this being said, I am one who opposes following “trends” and do what it is everyone else does. I tend to think outside the box (don’t mean to sound cliché-ish) but this is true. For those of you who have witnessed my other social networks you can see that individuality is me. I speak of this word individuality so much so, that I thought to define it. Individuality, in my words, is to know one’s self and have a sense of purpose in that which one seeks after. Being individual is deciding to rise above the norm and…. Want to know something, I am going to end this write here… you ask why? It’s because…

A Moment of Transition...

"A loving journey of transition begins by nurturing self care. If we honour our inner selves we not only live our divine blueprint, we also embrace the richness of humanity as we promote spiritual enlightenment." -- Michael Teal
"This journey then, is nothing more, yet nothing less than a period of acclimating to a new way of seeing, a time of transition and revelation as it gradually comes upon "that" which remains when there is no self. this is not a journey for those who expect love and bliss, rather, it is for the hardy who have been tried by fire and have come to rest in a tough, immovable trust in "that" which lies beyond the known, beyond the self, beyond union and even beyond love and trust itself"-- Bernadette Roberts

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Abstract Art (Unexplainable Layers of Me)....

 You can try to figure me out if you want, I think you will continue to be unsucessful.....
                                                                  Sensationally Me....

My Lines of Poetry (1)....

Below are random lines of poetry that I have written. These are my thoughts and words, so all rights are reserved for what you are getting ready to read. No plagarism please! Enjoy :-) .....

"I sit & listen 2 music: listening. As I sit each tune (harmonized with effervescent remedy) melts away life tension: my reality"©

“…As deep as the ocean; as wide as the sea. Love transcends all humanity. No boundaries exist, nothing far greater. It’s divinely granted by Heaven’s Creator…”©

“Subtle but serene. Lovely as a dream. Calm as the ocean. As bright as the starry skies. Quiet as tiptoe. A heart of gold….”©

“Star-lit skies. A cool midnight breeze. The moonlight reflects in the tranquil seas. Limitless possibilities. Sounds like… Looks like… Talks like… Moves like… LOVE. Captivating.. Hypnotizing. Real…”©

“When you think of peace, what comes to mind? : God’s love, calmness, soothing, a waterfall, the sunshine, a bird’s melody, a rainbow, bright blue skies, blooming flowers, a bright smile, a warm embrace, hot chocolate, a cozy fireplace… Peace is tender, kind, loving, caring, nurturing, subtle, quiet, at ease.. Peace is all around you; it’s even the very air you breathe…”©

“Love is more than four letters. Many people use this word insensitively. Love is more than a word. It requires demonstration. It calls for one to reach beyond themselves. Love can feel like butterflies and a sunrise. True love is saved for one person. Love is a lock: only one key is meant to fit. Forcing a key becomes forced entry. A key and lock should fit perfectly…”©

“In the midst of evolve is EVOLve spelled backwards. Love evolves. It isn’t stagnant. Love elevates. With love, there’s no such thing as a master key; there’s only one key and one person has that key. Pre-destined love is meant to be regardless of blissful times and adversity…”©

“Swaying in a warm summer’s breeze. Smells of sweetness fills the air effortlessly. Aromas of passion, almost gentle to the touch. Triggers all senses; never too less, not too much. Beauty’s radiance so bright, it blinds the eyes. Majestic melodies sing their tune to the dawning skies…”©

“Almost in a trance, as lovely as a heart throbbing dance. Melting in your serene embrace, staring in your eyes while my hand gently touches your face. Moments of bliss; all else vanishes, as if it doesn’t exist. Transcending, feels like an endless journey. It’s delicate essence lingers in eternity…”©

“Silent as a quiet storm. Each rain drop makes its own melodic tune. Beauty so enticing, it hypnotizes. Mesmerized by its light touch while DRIFTING… DRIFTing… gone… Gone to another place…  A place only love transports…  A place where you and I are…. A place with no boundaries, only endless possibilities…”©

I Miss.... (By: Asia Mouzone)

I miss talking to you. I miss saying I                 

Love you directly. I miss… I miss

Feelings of déjà vu, my mind went blank…   

Staring off wondering… Wondering what

Will be? I can only imagine and even my

Imagination is limited… Limited because

The possibilities are endless…

Seems as if time just stands still

Timeless… In a world where seconds and

Minutes and hours don’t exist, but… Only

Dreaming of what will be… Dreaming

Because that’s all I can do for now…

All I can do… Until…